Category: Thoughts

  • East vs. West Worldviews

    East vs. West worldviews. As I’ve mentioned before, one’s cultural upbringing directly influences one’s worldview. Eastern and Western cultures are very different in many ways and these differences affect our perceptions in life, our societal relationships, and interpretations – especially those of Scripture. Scripture was written by people who were raised in a very eastern…

  • The New Testament Page

    The New Testament page – almost every Bible includes one, right? We need to know when the old stuff stopped and the new stuff began so we can be sure not to taint ourselves with the old, and reserve those only as children’s stories. Am I right?

  • Pentateuch & Haftorahs

    I’ve been recently acquiring books from my folks. Turns out they have a lot of good ones in their collection which they’ve inherited from others through the ages. I’m like a little kid when I get one and can spend many hours sifting through the pages in wonder. While they have a pretty decent library,…

  • Hebrew Worldview Compared to the Greek

    We live in a Greek-based society under a Greek-structured government and taught according to the Greek-model of education. It’s no wonder that we view the world from the Greek paradigm. This effects every facet of our lives, and directly influences our interpretation of scripture. But did you know there’s a Hebrew world view? There’s a mind…