Category: Thoughts

  • New Israel

    The church was now God’s true synagogue, and its people the new Israel. The purpose of the office was to create a new society, the Kingdom of God, to institute the new creation by means of the discipline of its law-world. The seal of God’s approval on the church as the new Israel, and the…

  • The Talmud

    The Talmud is Hebrew for “learning.” Interesting that the Torah means “teachings” and the Talmud means “learning.”

  • Year Review of 2019

    I spend a lot of time researching and writing articles for this website. It’s been a project of mine since 2014. My cadence is normally about one article per week because 1) it’s all the time I have, and 2) It doesn’t overwhelm my audience with posts. This site is an effort to document my…

  • A Message of Leadership

    A VERY LARGE OAK was uprooted by the wind and thrown across a stream. It fell among some Reeds, which it thus addressed: “I wonder how you, who are so light and weak, are not entirely crushed by these strong winds.” They replied, “You fight and contend with the wind, and consequently you are destroyed;…

  • The Red Heifer Sacrifice

    We know that the offering of Yeshua as a sacrifice can be symbolically attributed to all the various Levitical offerings outlined in the Torah. In this, we recognize the work of Yeshua and value His purpose for being sent. This doesn’t mean that Yeshua did away with the sacrifices of old, but rather that He…

  • Parshah (Weekly Torah Readings)

    These are the weekly Torah portions along with the Haftarah and New Testament counterparts. The instruction and schedule of the Torah portions is believed to be given by Ezra the Scribe. To know which Torah portion is read this week, one must consult a Jewish calendar.

  • Contradictions to the Trinity Doctrine

    The relationship between YHVH and Yeshua is a hot topic among many. I’m content to express that I don’t fully understand how it works. I accept what the New Testament authors state as important for any believer – Yeshua is the Son of God – simply that. (1 John 4:15)

  • True Religion – Part 2

    Religion becomes sinful when it begins to advocate the segregation of God, to forget that the true sanctuary has no walls. Religion has always suffered from the tendency to become an end in itself, to seclude the holy, to become parochial, self-indulgent, self-seeking; as if the task were not to ennoble human nature but to…

  • But We’re Spiritual Now

    “But we’re spiritual now” Isn’t this the reply of every Christian when justifying their disobedience? We don’t need to keep the physical law, we’re spiritual. 

  • True Religion

    It is customary to blame secular science and anti-religious philosophy for the eclipse of religion in modern society. It would be more honest to blame religion for its own defeats. Religion declined not because it was refuted, but because it became irrelevant, dull, oppressive, insipid. When faith is completely replaced by creed, worship by discipline,…